Mantrap (1926)

A wilderness comedy starring Clara Bow, preserved by the Library of Congress and presented on the Treasures 5: The West DVD set.

Lost and Found: American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive

Overview  |  Contents  |  Contributors  |  Preview & Clips  |  Collaboration with Sight Into Sound


The NFPF is delighted to announce a collaboration with Sight Into Sound to expand access to the films presented in Lost and Found: American Treasures from the New Zealand Film Archive. To help film enthusiasts with visual, learning or physical disabilities sample the DVD, the Houston-based nonprofit generously contributed English-language audio descriptions for the several shorts shown below.


Founded in 1967, Sight Into Sound has a long history of service to the disabled community. From its website, www.sightintosound.org, the service organization streams readings from popular magazines and newspapers. It also provides audio descriptions of plays, exhibits, and special events in the Houston area via headsets distributed at the event.

All Sight Into Sound readers are trained volunteers, who generously donate their time. Contributing audio descriptions for three films from the Treasures New Zealand DVD is Mary Hanks, a graduate of Rice University who studied silent film with Tom McEvilley. For more than a decade, Mary has assisted the disabled community by providing live analysis of performances by such groups as the Houston Grand Opera, the Houston Ballet, and the Alley Theatre and reading for Sight Into Sound. Mary also read the short essays below about the DVD and the New Zealand Project. Thank you Mary and your Sight Into Sound colleagues!


Essays about the DVD and the New Zealand Project

  • Audio reading: download MP3 here (8.42 MB)
  • Large-type text: download PDF here (107 KB)


Selected films with audio description

Andy's Stump Speech (1923)   Happy-Go-Luckies (1923)   Won in a Cupboard (1914)
Andy's Stump Speech (1924)
Preserved by UCLA from source material provided by the NZFA
  Happy-Go-Luckies (1923)
Preserved by GEH from source material provided by the NZFA
  Won in a Cupboard (1914)
Preserved by LOC from source material provided by the NZFA